Frequently Asked Questions

Online Exam (Registration)

Does it matter which country I am from?

No, it does not matter. You can take the exams from any location worldwide as long as you have the required equipment and internet connection.

How much does the ISTQB software testing certification exam cost?

ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) : RM900.
ISTQB Certified Agile Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Usability Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Performance Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Model-Based Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Mobile Application Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Acceptance Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified AI Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Game Testing : RM1,050.

Each of the ISTQB Advanced Level exams (Test Manager, Test Analyst, Technical Test Analyst, Test Automation Engineer, Security Testing) is RM1,050.

Can I take the exam at home?

Yes, you can choose any location that is comfortable for you. It is, however, crucial that you are alone in the room and that the room is quiet and well lit.

Does it matter what date and time of the exam I choose?

You can register the exam at any time you want. However, you need to register at least 2 weeks before the desired exam date.

What are the equipment requirements?

You need a laptop or a desktop, Google Chrome browser, a smart device with a camera (smartphone or a tablet) and a stable and steady internet connection. More detailed requirements are listed above in the menu item What do you need?

How can I check my equipment?

You will receive a link for a system check after booking your exam.

Do I need to download any software on my computer?

No, the exam is web-based. However, you will need to install a Google Chrome extension which enables screen sharing.

How do I pay for the exam?

You will need to pay during the registration for the exam via cheque or online transfer. Please contact for more details.

What is the deadline for registration?

You can choose the date and time of your exam yourself. However, you need to register at least 2 weeks before the desired exam dates. That way we will be able to process your registration on time.

Can I change the exam date?

It is not possible to change your exam date online. If you cannot take the exam on the day you register for, please contact us at

I did not receive anything after the registration. What do I do?

You are supposed to receive an e-mail after you have registered for an Online@Home exam. Please make sure that you check your spam folder as well. If you did not receive anything within 1 hour, please contact us at

Do I need to fulfill any requirements?

The requirements depend on the specific exam module that you chose. You can see the overview of our certification schemes here and see if you need to fulfill any requirements.

Online Exam (During Exam)

Do I have to speak English to take the exam?

No matter which language you are taking the exam in, you will need the knowledge of English to understand the interface of our system and to communicate with the proctor.

Can I have a break during the exam?

No, taking breaks during the exam is not allowed.

Is it allowed to use books, notes or other materials?

It is allowed to use a whiteboard / chalkboard (e.g. either a portable toy whiteboard which can be bought at toy stores at small cost or an office whiteboard) to make notes during the exam. This board must be wiped clean before and after the exam. Besides this, no additional materials are allowed.

Can I take notes?

You can either make notes on a whiteboard (see above) or on the other hand you will be able to take notes in our exam system. Taking notes on paper is not allowed.

What happens if I use any forbidden materials, take notes or take a break during the exam?

The proctor will have to stop your exam. You will not be able to continue it and will not be refunded.

Can I contact anyone during the exam?

You can only contact the proctor during the exam via a chat window at the bottom of the screen. Please be aware that your proctors speak English, so you also need to be able to speak English to talk to them.

Online Exam (After Exam)

When do I see my results?

You will see your results immediately after finishing the exam.

When do I get my certificate?

You will get your e- certificate within one week from the date of the results notification, and upon clearance of any pending fee payments, where applicable.

Paper-based Exam

What is covered in an ISTQB® exam?

Each exam contains questions aimed at verifying a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the topics detailed in the learning objectives for the respective ISTQB® syllabus.

The Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) exam only requires knowledge of the CTFL syllabus. All other exams (Foundation, Advanced, Specialist, and Expert) assume knowledge of the CTFL syllabus and may include questions related to this.

Advanced level Agile exams also assume knowledge from the Agile Tester Foundation (CTFL-AT) certification.

Expert level exams require knowledge of any Advanced level syllabi that have been defined as a prerequisite.

It is expected that the terms defined in the ISTQB® Glossary are also known for the certification exam being taken (and any pre-requisite certifications).

Browse ISTQB® certifications here or from the ISTQB® Certified Tester scheme diagram here. Click on a certification to find details of the syllabus, sample exams, and the relevant exam structure and rules documents.

What is the structure of an ISTQB® exam?

ISTQB Foundation Level Exam(Core):

The Foundation Level exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the entire Foundation syllabus. A grade of 65% or better must be attained in order to pass. The exam is a closed book exam. You have 60 minutes to finish. If English is not your native language, you may take the extended-time ISTQB exam which gives you 25% more time. Note that ISTQB Foundation Level is a prerequisite for all other ISTQB certifications.

ISTQB Agile Exam:

The Agile exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the Agile syllabus. A grade of 65% or better must be attained in order to pass. The exam is a closed book exam. You have 60 minutes to finish. If English is not your native language, you may take the extended-time ISTQB exam which gives you 25% more time.

ISTQB Advanced Exams:

To achieve Advanced level certification in the Core stream, candidates must hold the ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) certificate, pass the relevant Advanced Level exam, and have sufficient practical experience (where defined).

Each of the Advanced Level exams is composed of multiple-choice questions that vary in points awarded by knowledge level. They correspond to the three different subject areas: “Technical Test Analyst,” “Test Analyst,” and “Test Manager.” The times are shown below but if English is not your native language, you may take the extended-time ISTQB exam that gives you 25% more time.

• Advanced Level “Test Analyst” has 40 questions to be completed in two hours.

• Advanced Level “Test Manager” has 65 questions to be completed in three hours.

• Advanced Level “Technical Test Analyst” has 45 questions to be completed in two hours.

All three areas must be passed with a grade of 65% or better in order to receive the full Advanced Level certification. You may sit for only one Advanced Level Exam at a time.

To achieve an Advanced level certification in the Agile stream candidates must also hold the ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Agile Tester certification.

Each of the Agile Advanced Level exams is composed of multiple-choice questions that vary in points awarded by knowledge level. They correspond to the two different subject areas: “Agile Technical Tester” and “Agile Test Leadership at Scale” The times are shown below but if English is not your native language, you may take the extended-time ISTQB exam that gives you 25% more time.

• Advanced Level “Agile Technical Tester” has 40 questions to be completed in ninety minutes.

• Advanced Level “Agile Test Leadership at Scale” has 40 questions to be completed in ninety minutes.

ISTQB Testing Specialty Exams:

Each ISTQB testing specialty exam consists of multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of its syllabus. A grade of 65% or better must be attained in order to pass. The exam is a closed book exam. The times are shown below. Note: If English is not your native language, you may take the extended-time ISTQB exam which gives you 25% more time.

▪ Certified Tester Acceptance Testing has 40 questions to be completed in 60 minutes.

▪ Certified Tester Usability Testing has 40 questions to be completed in 60 minutes.

▪ Certified Tester Model-Based Testing has 40 questions to be completed in 60 minutes.

▪ Certified Tester Automotive Testing has 40 questions to be completed in 60 minutes.

▪ Certified Tester Performance Testing has 40 questions to be completed in 90 minutes.

▪ Mobile Application Testing has 40 questions to be completed in 60 minutes.

▪ AI Testing has 40 questions to be completed in 60 minutes.

▪ Game Testing has 40 questions to be completed in 60 minutes.

▪ Certified Tester Advanced Level Security Tester has 45 questions to be completed in two hours.

▪ Certified Tester Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer has 40 questions to be completed in 1.5 hours (90 minutes).

ISTQB Expert Exam:

The Expert Level is quickly evolving and adding new modules. See the Expert Level Syllabi for a full listing of available or upcoming Expert Level certifications. Expert Level Test Management consists of three exams:

▪ Expert Test Management – Strategic

▪ Expert Test Management – Operational

▪ Expert Test Management – Managing the Test Team

In order to achieve “CTEL-TM Full” (Certified Tester Expert Level – Test Management Full) all three exams must be passed with a 65% passing score. And one must first qualify by passing the CTAL-TM (Certified Tester Advanced Level – Test Manager) and submitting proof that you have five years of full-time experience in test management.

Each of the exams consists of multiple-choice and essay questions, and examinees must choose to answer two of the three essay questions provided.

Scoring: Your score is determined as follows:

▪ 35 points possible for multiple-choice questions

▪ 50 points possible for each of the two essay questions

▪ 135 total points

When you take any of the ISTQB Expert Level exams, you will not receive your score at the end, since your essays need to be graded by our team of experts. This can take three to four weeks.

See the Expert Level Syllabi for additional information.

Paper-based Exam (Registration)

Are there any pre-requisites to take an ISTQB® exam?

The Foundation Level Certified Tester (CTFL) exam has no pre-requisites. Foundation Level Certified Tester (CTFL) is a pre-requisite to all other certifications in the ISTQB® Certified Tester Scheme.

The ISTQB® Certified Tester scheme diagram here shows all of the dependencies between certifications, and pre-requisites are specified on individual certification pages.

Where and when can I take an exam?

Exams are offered by Malaysian Software Testing Board. Please email for information on exam dates, exam delivery options, applicable fees, and booking information.

Where can I get the exam dates/calendar/schedule?

MSTB exam calendar can be downloaded from MSTB Website and you can schedule your exam according to the dates that works best for you. Learn more about the MSTB exam calendar.

How much does the ISTQB software testing certification exam cost?

ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) : RM900.
ISTQB Certified Agile Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Usability Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Performance Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Model-Based Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Mobile Application Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Acceptance Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified AI Testing : RM1,050.
ISTQB Certified Game Testing : RM1,050.

Each of the ISTQB Advanced Level exams (Test Manager, Test Analyst, Technical Test Analyst, Test Automation Engineer, Security Testing) is RM1,050.

When is payment of the ISTQB exam fee due?

Upon registration for a specific exam.

Where can I find sample exams?

Each certification in the ISTQB® Certified Tester scheme has a sample exam that can be freely downloaded. Visit the individual certification page to access all of the corresponding download materials for a certification, including the sample exam.

Certification pages can be accessed from ‘ISTQB Certifications’ page here or from the ISTQB® Certified Tester scheme diagram here.

I have scheduled an ISTQB® certification exam, but would like to reschedule it. How can I do that?

Please email who arranged your exam.

Online Exam (Exam)

Can I have a break during the exam?

For CTFL, CTFL specialist, CPRE, CMT

– No restroom breaks throughout the exam period, except for special cases or emergency.

For Advanced level

– Candidate may request a short restroom break throughout the exam period.

Is it allowed to use books, notes or other materials?

MSTB’s exam secretariat will email your certificate within one week from the date of the results notification, and upon clearance of any pending fee payments, where applicable.

Online Exam (After the exam)

When do I see my results?

MSTB’s exam secretariat will provide you with your result and answer any further questions related to your exam. Please email if you have specific questions.

When do I get my certificate?

You will get your e- certificate within one week from the date of the results notification, and upon clearance of any pending fee payments, where applicable.

How often can I take an ISTQB® certification exam? Do I have to pay for re-taking an exam?

You can take the exams as many times as necessary to pass them. Please email for the fees for re-taking the exams.